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Worship Services



Sunday mass is at 10 AM. This is a modified traditional Roman Ordo liturgy. We remind  everyone to be cautious as the COVID-19 pandemic is still a reality. Masks are not currently required, but we can provide them if you wish for your comfort and safety.

You can watch our weekly communion liturgy on Pastor's "Faith Luther" Facebook page livestreamed Sundays at 10:00 AM. Be sure to leave us a "like" or a comment so we know you've joined us!

Holy Communion, which includes both wine and grape juice, is offered during every Sunday service. All are welcome to partake; as our Pastor always likes to remind newcomers, "We wouldn't invite you into our house and not offer you something to eat."



Community Services


We do a lot of Community Service here at Faith. Nearly every day, our building is serving someone in our community. 


  • Our fellowship room is where AA meets 7 times a week. It's usually a full house, and the people who attend are very welcoming.

  • Faith also grows organic fresh vegetables in our garden for Feast of Justice, a Lutheran food and advocacy service serving over 2,000 food insecure families here in Northeast Philadelphia.


  • We have groups like the Girl Scouts and the Golden Years Seniors Bingo that meet in the basement hall area on Wednesdays at 12 to 3 PM. The Seniors are open to all people over age 55 and will welcome you with open arms!

  • Faith is host to Never Surrender Hope, a support group for families with drug addicted members. This group usually meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 PM.


  • A few kind members of our church often put together food trays for shut-ins in cooperation with Caring For Friends.

(You can find a link for Aid For Friends in the OUTREACH tab.)



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